Meet the GetID team at Money 2020 Amsterdam
8 Sep 2021
GetID, now part of Checkin.com Group AB, is attending a notable event in the fintech industry Money 20/20, taking place in Netherlands, Amsterdam on 21-23 September 2021. Among previous speakers of this event are many industry stars including Steve Wozniak (co-founder of Apple), Richard Branson (CEO of Virgin Group), Jack Dorsey (CEO of Twitter, Square), Patrick Collison (CEO Stripe), and many other famous people. GetID is coming as a part of 12 tech Estonian delegation companies led by EAS – Enterprise Estonia (Estonian government fund to support entrepreneurship).
At the event, GetID will showcase the newest products and updates (among other products), namely KYC flow builder and the new version of the GetID Administrative Portal that now includes a verification statistics dashboard.
Dmitri Laush, CEO of GetID: “We’re looking forward to attending the Money 2020 Amsterdam this time. Firstly, because we’ll be attending the expo alongside 11 other Estonian tech/fintech companies that are all developing their unique and progressive solutions in the Fintech field.
Secondly, we can’t wait to showcase our newest product developments, as we’re constantly developing and upgrading our products and we have a lot of neat stuff to show!”.
Among other companies attending Money 2020 Amsterdam as a part of the Estonian delegation are Bankish, EstateGuru, EveryPay, InBank, Messente Communications, Modular Technologies, Payster Group, Salv Technologies, SK ID Solutions, Veriff, and Union Fintech.
Are you (and your company) attending the Money 2020 Amsterdam in September? If so then you’re welcome to come by the Estonian Pavilion, stand nr D120. Want to see the GetID product in action or talk to our team? Get in touch with us to book a meeting with the GetID team. We’re looking forward to meeting you in Amsterdam on 21-23 September.
GetID team (from L to R): Alex Arhipov (Business Development Manager), Dmitri Laush (CEO & Founder), Vladimir Popov (Head of Product)
About GetID
GetID is an all-in-one identity verification service that helps other businesses to streamline their customer onboarding process, ensures full regulatory compliance, and reduces fraud. GetID is a comprehensive and flexible solution for KYC and onboarding with a wide range of integration options, cost-efficient pricing, great speed, and accuracy.
The company was founded in 2019 in Estonia by Dmitri Laush. GetID is part of Checkin.com Group AB.
About Checkin.com
Checkin.com Group creates shareholder value through capital efficient growth achieved by strong organic growth and strategic acquisitions. The Group’s advanced technologies and innovations offers a unique end-to-end solution that reshapes how consumers checkin with products and brands online.
The company has offices in Sweden, Spain, and Estonia but has since its inception been operating fully remote to attract world-leading talent across the globe.
About EAS
Established in 2000, Enterprise Estonia (EAS) is an Estonian governmental agency that supports business model development and innovation acceleration, trade development, raising foreign direct investments, attracting foreign talent, developing tourism. With offices in 17 foreign markets, Enterprise Estonia serves as a bridge between the Estonian business environment and the world.